Archív značiek: wedding portrait
Farebné inšpirácie pre Vašu svadbu
Pre vytvorenie celkovej atmosféry svadby je okrem nájdenia správneho miesta, potrebné myslieť aj na farebné zladenie svadby. A to už od samého začiatku, keď si vyberáte, ako bude vyzerať pozvánka na slávnosť. Nájdite si čas premyslieť každý detail.
Pri výbere miesta konania svadby si všímajte, či nie je priestor zariadený v tmavých farbách (napríklad tapety, maľovka na stene, koberce), alebo či nie je v miestnosti málo svetla, aby sa vám nestalo, že na výzdobu miniete nakoniec viac, ako ste pôvodne plánovali! Ďalší faktor, ktorý ovplyvňuje dekorovanie svadby, je štýl, v akom je zariadený interiér.
Ak máte tieto veci ujasnené, potom môžete začať premýšľať nad tým, akú náladu by ste chceli pomocou farieb na svadbe vytvoriť. Páčia sa vám hravé a zábavné (svetlé a živé) farby alebo skôr decentné a intímne tóny (luxusné textúry)? Majte na pamäti, že zvolená kombinácia by mala súznieť aj s ďalšími dizajnovými prvkami svadby (kvety, šaty družičiek a pod.)
Pripravila som niekoľko farebných kombinácií, ktoré vám môžu pomôcť pri výbere vášho štýlu.
Keďže sa blíži zima, prvá farebná kombinácia je v odtieňoch modrej a bielej, ktorá vytvorí harmonický a neopakovateľný celok tak, aby ste boli obaja spokojní nielen s farbami, ale aj s celkovým štýlom svadobného dňa.
1. Odtiene modrej + biela
Vhodná pre: moderná aj retro svadba, obdobie: zima
V skratke: elegancia, luxus, čistota
2. Žltá + Šedá + Strieborná
Vhodná pre: moderná svadba, obdobie: leto.
V skratke: elegancia, jednoduchosť, romantika
3. Modrá + Červená + Béžová
Vhodná pre: retro look svadba, obdobie: leto.
V skratke: odvážna kombinácia, sviežosť, spomienka na more
4. Čierna + svetlo zelená + biela
Vhodná pre: moderná svadba, obdobie: jar
V skratke: elegancia, vzory
5. Zlatá +mätová zelená + biela + ružová
Vhodná pre: historický nádych svadby (baroko, rokoko), obdobie: jeseň, zima
V skratke: elegancia, luxus, čistota
6. Fialová (levanduľa )+ biela + žltá
Vhodná pre: retro look – vintage svadba, obdobie: jar, leto
V skratke: elegancia, jemnosť, čistota, príroda, vôňa
použitý zdroj fotografií: Pinterest
Lucia a Radek
Eva a Peter
Vintage editoriál
Keď sme plánovali koncept pre svadobný editoriál, ktorý by mal mať atmosféru vintage štýlu, zaujal ma článok s módnou návrhárkou Zlaticou Hujbertovou, ktorá vytvorila zaujímavú retro svadobnú kolekciu šiat. Prvý krát som sa s ňou a s jej prácou stretla v roku 2008, kedy sme spolu pripravovali fotoprodukciu pre jedného z našich klientov. Jej energia a cieľavedomosť sa nestratila ani dnes, kedy má Zlatica za sebou už mnohé úspechy a patrí medzi top slovenských módnych dizajnérov. O jej tvorbe a ceste za úspechom Vám prinášame krátky rozhovor.
SLB: Zlatica, v roku 2010 si bola víťazkou projektu New faces of Bratislava fashion days – Nová tvár módnej scény 2010. Druhým víťazstvom bola cena Dunajská perla 2010 – Objav roka v módnej tvorbe. Tušila si, že bude tento rok v tvojej práci prelomový?
Zlatica: Vedela som, že sa čosi zmení. Dala som do toho projektu celú svoju dušu a energiu. A v konečnom dôsledku aj keď som si niekde v hĺbke srdca želala vyhrať, nechala som všetko na osud. A ani si nevieš predstaviť to neskutočné prekvapenie a šok zo získania všetkých ocenení. Bol to skvelý pocit a úžasné obdobie, na ktoré s radosťou spomínam.
SLB: Začiatkom roka 2011 si bola v New Yorku predviesť svoju víťaznú kolekciu s názvom Bratislava/Odvrátená tvár (Bezdomovci), čítala som, že u divákov mala veľký úspech. Ktorý pocit bol pre teba z tejto prehliadky najsilnejší?
Zlatica: Bola som ako v nejakej zvláštnej bubline. Všetky pocity sa mi zmiešali dokopy, takže v podstate ani neviem, ktorý z nich mal akú váhu. Pred prehliadkami hrozne stresujem, záleží mi na detailoch a keď nie je niečo úplne podľa mojich predstáv tak sa mi „rúca celý svet“. Čiže v konečnom dôsledku samotný akt predstavenia mojich kolekcií akosi nevnímam. Až dodatočne podľa gratulácií, rozhovorov a všetkého nadšenia okolo si uvedomujem, že som to zvládla a moja práca má význam. Newyorský diváci boli šokovaní a nadšení a ja som bola nesmierne šťastná. Polovicu kolekcie som „nechala“ v New Yorku kvôli nafoteniu editoriálu do novo vznikajúceho módneho časopisu LIVID Magazine, s ktorým som doteraz v priateľsko-pracovnom kontakte.
SLB: Si rodáčka z Pezinka, teraz žiješ a tvoríš vo svojom ateliéri v Bratislave. Kedy a ako prichádza inšpirácia?
Zlatica: Na takýto typ otázok sa mi veľmi ťažko odpovedá keďže je to zakaždým troška iné. Tak či onak k najlepším výkonom ma vždy dokáže vyburcovať časová tieseň. My umelci sme jednoducho takí.
SLB: Čo ťa priviedlo k myšlienke vytvoriť svadobnú kolekciu šiat?
Zlatica: S touto myšlienkou som sa pohrávala už dlhší čas keďže navrhovaniu svadobných šiat pre klientky sa v podstate venujem už od skončenia vysokej školy.
Zlatica, ďakujem za rozhovor a prajem Ti ešte veľa úspechov.
Svadobný tím:
Modely: Nikol a Roman
Svadobné šaty:Zlatica Hujbertová-Fashion Designer
Šaty ženích: Svadobný salón Michaela and Caps&Hats
Make up a vlasy: LuciaLus
Koncept, Produkcia, styling, dekorácie: SLB agency Silvia Lederleitner
Fotograf: Andrej Balco
Doplnky pre nevestu /náušnice/: Finimi – Handmade Jewellery by Slavomíra Habardová
Dekoračné doplnky: BDM Style – Vidiecky nábytok a doplnky SLB agency
Kvety: Kvety Martina a špeciálne poďakovanie: Barbora
Torta: Torty z lásky
Lokácia: Schaubmarov mlyn – v GIU Schaubmarov mlyn
Vintage editoriál
Svadobný tím/The Wedding Team:
Modely/Models: Nikol a Roman
Make up a vlasy/Make up and hairstyling: LuciaLus: Profesional make-up artist ,hair stylist & body painter
Fotograf/Photograph: Andrej Balco
Koncept, Produkcia, styling, dekorácie/Concept, Production, styling, decor: SLB agency,s.r.o., Silvia Balcová Lederleitner
Doplnky pre nevestu /náušnice/ Bridal accessories: Jewellery: Finimi – Handmade Jewellery by Slavomíra Habardová
Dekoračné doplnky/Decor accessories: BDM Style – Vidiecky nábytok a doplnky a SLB Decor
Kvety/Florist: Kvety Martina a špeciálne poďakovanie: Barbora
Torta/Cake: Torty z lásky, s.r.o.
Lokácia/Location: Schaubmarov mlyn – v GIU Schaubmarov mlyn
Kone/Horses: Michalov Dvor -Ľ.Miškovský
Katka a Peter
Svadobní tím/Wedding team:
Fotograf/Photograph: Andrej Balco
Dekoračné doplnky, Kvety/Decor accessories, Florist: Silvia Balcová-SLB Decor
Janka and Janko
I was really looking forward to shoot Janka and Janko’s wedding. Already during our first meeting I felt incredible energy and ease from Janka which she did not lose even during her wedding day. They are an amazing young couple, since 2003 they had been a dance couple of ballroom and latin dancing, and since 2006 also a love couple. When we shot their „first dance“ at the wedding party, I admit, I was very impressed and certainly I was not the only one.
Dance, which has converged them, was even our wedding topic we proposed to Janka and Janko. As a suitable area we chose a historic hall in Pezinok castle where we wanted to capture an uniqueness of the moment. I believe we succeeded.
We have combined the wedding dance with a romantic theme of lavender, its aroma and glamour in the most beautiful garden in Pezinok in Staré Hory (Old Mountains), that suit Janka and Janko undoubtedly.
Sylvia (WFP): Throughout the entire shooting we have observed strong bonds not only between two of you but also among your family members. How did you feel?
Janka: For our wedding day we had been preparing for some time. I was wondering myself what feeling I will have when I wake up in the morning. Many things have crossed my mind, however, not at all what it eventually was – it felt like going to a dance competition after a long time, meaning to get up early in the morning, go to do my hair and make up. Luckily, I quickly returned to reality of this unique and up to now the most beautiful day of my life. I am glad to say I really enjoyed every single moment. The greatest reward for me was the satisfied face of my husband and joyful honest smiles of our closest relatives and friends.
Janko: Previous days had been quite hectic, however, since the Saturday’s morning all the nervousness and rush disappeared. The whole day passed surprisingly peacefully, comfortably, and also thanks you, very pleasantly and almost carelessly.
Sylvia (WFP): Your wedding was perfectly aligned. For the guests you have prepared even the Wedding chronicle where we could learn a lot about you, your family and friends. There, we read about 10 rules for happy marriage. What makes you happy?
Janka: I have been looking for the answer to your question for a long time… Love and journey makes me happy. When I can make other people happy. When I am with people I love. When they show me they love me.
Janko: Simple but complex question. I am trying to live the life I want to live, with an amazing wife by my side. She is my greatest happiness.
WFP: Thank you for the lovely moments at your wedding and we wish you lots of love!
The Wedding Team:
Photographer: Andrej Balco
Concept, Production and Decor (photo): SLB agency
Location: Lavender garden in Pezinok in Staré Hory (Old Mountains) and historic hall in Pezinok castle
Thank you!
Janka a Janko
Svadobný tím/ The Wedding Team
Koncept/Concept: Silvia Balcová SLB Decor
Fotograf/Photographer: Andrej Balco
Produkcia a Dekorácie k foteniu/Production and Decor: Silvia Balcová-SLB Decor
Lokácia/Location: Levandulová záhrada-Staré Hory Pezinok a Historická sála zámku v Pezinku
Lavender garden in Pezinok in Staré Hory (Old Mountains) and historic hall in Pezinok castle
Ďakujeme!/Thank you!
Mirka and Thomas
I know Mirka for a long time and our business meetings changed to friendship. When she called me one day, to announce me that she is getting married, and that she wants help with preparation of her wedding and photo shooting of it, she surprised me very nicely.
General preparation for their wedding day, the perfect dress, styling, bouquets, decorations, location shooting I would like to Mirka and Thomas divulge a few things:
Sylvia (WFP): How can you describe your best wedding, and how it should be?
Mirka: Relaxing atmosphere, simple and modern at the same time!
SLB: What is your style and how would you like to include the style to your „D“ day?
Mirka: We like light colours. I like pastel colours like pink, beige, white of course, and cyclamen can be as well. My imagination of decorations is something simple and neat. The wedding bouquet should be in my colours. I like peonies and potassium. When it comes to my husband, the best is not to wear a suit and, if he has to do, then free style, according to wedding pictures, the reality was different – from my husband was a sexy man, accessories like bracelets were approved simply his image.
SLB: You create a couple for 6 years. Your destinies have met at work. Which places and things do you like?
Mirka: Our number one subject is football, besides other sports, and music. We live with football the whole year long; my husband plays recreationally, son for younger students and I am just listening.
Theme of our wedding was also adjusted to this. It has started with the wedding announcement and I am very happy that you suggested a football pitch for wedding pictures, where we all had a really nice time. I had one more surprise prepared for Thomas – I have invited a PR manager of FC Spartak Trnava and a player Jan Vlaska to our wedding reception. I think it was gorgeous experience for Thomas.
SLB: Looking back at your wedding, which moment, memory is the strongest one from this day?
Mirka: For me, the whole wedding was the strongest experience, I like surprises and even more I like surprising and my husband is still happy and has a pleasure of his wife.
Wedding team:
Concept, production, styling a decor: SLB agency
Make-up and hair styling: LuciaLus
Photographer: Andrej Balco
Location: Futbalový štadión Limbach
Florist: Kvety Barbora
Thank you!
Wedding editorial I.
For making of our first wedding editorial we chose beautiful hotel “in the heart of nature” – Hotel Zochova Chata. A number of amazing pictures was done, thanks to a team of skilful people and partners. We didn’t have a specific idea, vision was to prepare nice wedding inspirations and through the choice of wedding dresses, styling, decorations, flowers and colours we wanted to create incredible atmosphere. We believe that the result of our work brings you nice experience. If you would like to see, how the pictures were created, you can see our video. In case, you are planning your wedding soon, or you friends, do not hesitate to contact us.
The Wedding Team:
Location: Hotel Zochova chata Models: Kamila and Radek
Photographer: Andrej Balco
Videographer: Patrik Gubiš
Make-up and hair styling: LuciaLus
Concept, Styling and Decor: SLB agencyWedding Dress: White one collection from Svadobný salón Michaela
Bridal accessories: Jewellery – Finimi-Handmade Jewellery by Slavomira Habardova
Decor accessories: BDM Style
Florist: Kvety Barbora
Cake: Torty z lásky
Thank you!
Svadobný editoriál I.
The Wedding Team:
Production: SLB agency, s.r.o.
Photographer: Andrej Balco
Videographer: Patrik Gubiš
Location: Hotel Zochova chata
Model: Kamila
Make-up and hair styling: LuciaLus
Concept,Styling and Decor: Silvia Lederleitner
Wedding Dress: Svadobný salón Michaela
Bridal accessories: Finimi-Handmade Jewellery by Slavomira Habardova
Decor accessories: BDM Style
Florist: Kvety Barbora
Cake: Torty z lásky
Thank you!
Hiring a Wedding Photographer
Today we’re going to talk about how to choose your wedding photographer. One who will be fun to hang with on your wedding day, professional and experienced enough to exceed your expectations, and so talented that they will produce the dream images you’ll treasure forever!
photo: Andrej Balco
Here are our suggestions for finding and hiring the best photographer for your wedding.
photo: Jonas Peterson
Choose Your Style
You may want to look for a photographer who lives near your home or wedding location, but don’t stop there as you may find someone who fits your style to a tee listed somewhere else. View the photographer’s website and blog, and imagine yourself in their pictures. View a body of work from several weddings and take note of how well the photographer shoots in different lighting situations and under different circumstances. If you’re drawn to natural light photos in sun-drench places but you’re getting married in an elegant ballroom lit by chandeliers, you’ll want to be sure your photographer excels at capturing photos indoors.
Read the photographer’s bio to see if you are likely to connect well, and gather all the information you can about their approach to wedding photography. If you are looking for high-fashion portraits of you and your guests you’ll want to choose someone who specializes in that type of work. Alternatively, if you would rather not pose for your pictures you may want to choose an artist who takes a documentary, photojournalistic approach to wedding photography.
photo: Brian-Dorsey-Studios
Evaluate Your Options
Once you have a good set of choices, evaluate the information you’ve gathered. Think about the quality of customer service you’ve received so far, and how you feel about the photographers you’ve contacted. Ask yourself who you trust the most and how excited you are to have them as your wedding photographers. Consider their pricing and packages and how important wedding photography is to you in terms of your overall budget. It’s easy to let the many aspects of wedding planning overwhelm you and forget to prioritize your expenses. Keep in mind that when your wedding day is over your photos will help you remember it for the rest of your lives together, and that they will act as part of your legacy for generations to come.Once you’ve made the connection with the right photographer, share your vision for you wedding and your personalities, so your photos can be a true reflection of your story. Chemistry between you and your photographer is vital to ensure you look relaxed in your pictures and that you fully enjoy your wedding day.
photo: Bob and Dawn Davis Photography and Design
Relax and Revel in Your Wedding
When you’re wedding day arrives, be sure you’ve allocated all the time you need for the pictures you want. When you work with an outstanding photographer there is no need for you to worry that they will miss anything important and they’re bound to capture hundreds of priceless, in-the-moment images that you could never imagine ahead of time. So, walk down the aisle, dance with abandon, party with your guests and let your photographer handle all the little things that go into creating amazing wedding images.
photo: Ed Peers Photography
Information source: