Poeticko-hudobný večer “This Is My World” záznam z večera

Poeticko –hudobný večer s textami skladieb a hudbou skupiny Depeche Mode na harfe, ktorý sa konal 26.5. 2023 v Nemeckom evanjelickom kostole v Modre.
/celý záznam z večera/

Symbolicky sa tento koncert konal v deň výročia úmrtia jedného zo zakladajúcich členov skupiny Depeche Mode Andyho Fletchera, ktorá po 6- tich rokoch koncertovala v rámci predstavenia svojho nového 15. albumu s názvom Memento Mori 28.5. 2023 v Bratislave.

Večer sa niesol v duchu myšlienky spomínaného nového albumu Depeche mode s naplnením slov Dave Gahana:
“It takes you on a kind of journey that starts at a place, where you say, : “This is my world” and ends with the question ” How can I make the most of it.”

Spojenie poetického slova, ktoré predniesol výnimočný slovenský herec Marek Majeský a hudby na harfe v podaní vynikajúceho harfistu Michala Matejčíka, prinesol návštevníkom koncertu pri zachovaní vysokej interpretačnej kvality a v nádhernom prostredí kostola, hĺbku a radosť z hudby, zo života. Odznelo 16 skladieb.

Hudba /harfa / : Michal Matejčík
Poézia textov: Marek Majeský

Idea /koncept/, výber textov, produkcia: Silvia Balcová Lederleitner
Dramaturgia: Silvia Balcová Lederleitner, Marek Majeský, Michal Matejčík
Mediálni partneri: depechemode.sk, Rádio Devín
Zvuk a svetlá: Martin Chovanec, Video: Ester Chovancová www.chovanec.org.

Poetry and Music Evening “This is my World”, Depeche Mode songs played on the harp. 26 May 2023, Modra
Poetry and music evening with the lyrics of Depeche Mode songs played on the harp, which took place in the German Protestant Church in Modra on 26 May 2023
(video recording from the event).

The concert was symbolically held on the anniversary of the death of one of the founding members of Depeche Mode, Andy Fletcher. The band performed in Bratislava after six years, on 28 May 2023, having presented its newest (15th) album Memento Mori.

The evening was held in the spirit of the idea of the new DM album and Dave Gahan´s words:
“It takes you on a kind of journey that starts at a place, where you say: ‘This is my world’ and ends with the question ‘How can I make the most of it’.”

Thanks to the combination of poetic lyrics performed by the exceptional Slovak actor, Marek Majeský, and harp music played by the outstanding harpist, Michal Matejčík, while preserving high performance quality, the audience enjoyed the depth and delight of music and life in the wonderful church atmosphere. 16 songs were performed in total.

Music (harp): Michal Matejčík
Poetry of the lyrics: Marek Majeský
Idea (concept), selection of lyrics, production: Silvia Balcová Lederleitner www.slbagency.sk
Dramaturgy: Silvia Balcová Lederleitner, Marek Majeský, Michal Matejčík www.michalmatejcik.com

Media partners: depechemode.sk, Rádio Devín
Sound and lights: Martin Chovanec, video: Ester Chovancová www.chovanec.org.

Bulletin “This Is My World” Poetry & Music evening in New York and Washington D.C.

Bulletin for Poetry & Music Evening “This is My World”
Depeche Mode songs harp

Poetry of the lyrics/Depeche Mode songs: Marek Majeský
Music/Harp: Michal Matejčík
Idea, concept, selection of lyric, production: Silvia Balcová Lederleitner
Dramaturgy: Silvia Balcová Lederleitner, Marek Majeský, Michal Matejčík

All information about Poetry & Music Evening “This Is My World” in New York and Washington D.C.
Thank you partners!

“This is my world.” Poetry and Music Evening.

The poetry & music evening with the lyrics and music of Depeche Mode songs on the harp took place in the German Protestant Church in Modra on May 26, 2023.

The concert was symbolically held on the anniversary of the death of one of the founding members of Depeche Mode, Andy Fletcher. The band performed in Bratislava after six years, on May 28, 2023, having presented its newest (15th) album Memento Mori.

The new album, Memento Mori, is not a celebration of death, as its title may suggest; on the contrary, it is a celebration of life and of the fact that we should realize how important it is to live each day to the fullest and fill it with joy.
The evening was held in the spirit of the idea of the new Depeche Mode album and Dave Gahan’s words:
“It takes you on a kind of journey that starts at a place, where you say: ‘This is my world’ and ends with the question ‘How can I make the most of it’.”

Thanks to the combination of poetic lyrics performed by the exceptional Slovak actor, Marek Majeský, and harp music played by the outstanding, world-renowned harpist, Michal Matejčík, while preserving high performance quality, the audience enjoyed an intimate experience, as well as the depth and delight of music and life in the wonderful church atmosphere. 16 songs were performed in total.

Poetry & Music Evening: “This is my World”
Depeche Mode songs on the harp

Poetry of the lyrics/Depeche Mode songs: Marek Majeský
Music/Harp: Michal Matejčík
Idea, concept, selection of lyrics, production: Silvia Balcová Lederleitner
Dramaturgy: Silvia Balcová Lederleitner, Marek Majeský, Michal Matejčík

Piesne v obrazoch

“That amazing moment when you hear a song you haven’t heard in years and you still know every word.”

Už dlhšiu dobu si len tak z FB odkladám vizuály s textami piesní kapiel, ktoré rada počúvam.
Páči sa mi, ako autori plagátov vypichnú texty piesní v peknom vizuálnom prevedení a umiestnia ho do zaujímavého home-decoru.
Je to príjemný pocit, keď z pár slov, skladbu okamžite spoznáte, zaznie vám v hlave a prinesie vám náladu a myšlienky do dňa.

Dnes 21.4. má 61 rokov spevák ROBERT SMITH, the Cure, a tak ma napadol tento post s vizuálmi piesní The Cure.
Prvý koncert mali v Československu myslim v lete 1990, dostala som vtedy od kamoša pohľadnicu z Prahy s textom:” …že už za pár hodín uvidí the Cure naživo a nevie sa dočkať.”
Ja som si svoj prvý koncert užila až v roku 2016 vo Viedni, a bol to cca 3 hodinový zážitok.
Róbert fantasticky spieval bez prestávky. Tak nech mu to “šlape” naďalej!






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