Archív značiek: children
Ninka s mamou a tatinom
Rebeka, Klára s mamou
Fotograf/Photograph: Andrej Balco
Dekoračné doplnky, Kvety/Decor accessories, Florist: Silvia Balcová-SLB Decor
Children’s art book
I’m sure you have come across this situation before. The Birthday or Nameday of your close are coming and your children would like to give grandma, granddad, auntie or uncle their drawings. As an ideal present could be a children’s book with drawings. Not only you can make a nice afternoon with your children while creating it but this way the drawings will not get lost and the book will remain as a nice memory.
What we will need
- Children’s drawing
- Cardboard as a cover for the book
- Wax pencils
- India ink
- Paintbrush
- Scissors
- Punch
- Bulldogs (big pins)
- String
Action steps
- A3 cardboard fold in half
- The front page colour with wax pencils
- Paint with India ink and leave it to dry thoroughly
- Engrave the drawing with dedication on it
- Put the children’s drawing into the folder
- Clip the bulldogs from three sides
- Create holes with punch
- Put the string through the holes and tie it tightly
Winter walk
The park situated near the Pezinok centre is a beautiful place to go for a summer or winter walk with children. It was the first snow that winter and little Andrej was looking forward to sledging.
Summer memories
It was a lovely sunny day in August and all our family liked the idea of having our pictures taken. Since this happens very rarely in summer (little Adelka only likes to spend time in water, swimming), it was necessary to use this opportunity. I have chosen two stylings for children, some props– an old camera which the kids were fighting for and little Andrej even cried over it and we could start. For a long time we had been planning to use two special locations – a lake outside the town and an old factory, not used for trains any more. The children really liked it there and we enjoyed the pleasant photography session.